Sunday, November 23, 2008

OKAY! So, here's the H&M Wolfgramm Update!

WE'RE MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup... I'm sad but, we have to. Misi has been working his butt off lately because my job cut my hours so that I basically don't have any hours?! Jerks... lol. Anywho, I'm currently looking for another job so, we've decided to leave our little apartment. :( Where are we moving to? 1478 W 600 S SLC, UT 84104, or somewhere around there! haha.. We're moving into Misi's grandpa's basement. I know, right?? Honestly, it took me losing a lot A LOT of pride to make this decision. I've been living on my own for so long, my ego can't think of living any other way! However, hard times call for desperate measures.. Or however that saying goes. Misi says when he use to stay there, it was pretty much like living on his own except, cheaper! Yay for cheaper! haha.. Anywho, we can save money and help his grandpa around the house. Yes, of course, we're going to help pay too!

So anyway, we won't be able to host all of our "hostle children" like usual but, we'd still love for ya'll to visit when you can! It'll just be us downstairs so that's good, right? OH YEAH, and we're planning on doing this all by Thanksgiving. Where am I going to put all our stuff?!! So, if any of you would like any of our furniture, take it! hahaha.. It's not the fanciest stuff but, hey, it works!


  1. Awww...I'm so sad...good memories in that apt. Housing the homeless, feeding the needy, clothing the naked, kicking out the unwanted...the list goes on and on. If I had a car I'd be the over in a minute but hmmm...I'm stuck on campus. Let me know though if you need help and I'll stop by after my last class.


  2. WHAAAT? sad news! cuz that's the closest i ever get to the U. bahahaha. anyways, for reals if i had a car id be there to buy all ur stuff but um ... bu, have a car. anyways, i think mino and seta should move there so i still have a place to crash when i party all night in slc. lol.

  3. I made over $100 off of my crap! haha.. If I waited a lil longer I would've sold more but, the lady called too late.. I'd already taken everything left over to the D.I. Pes, I totally agree w/u.. We need someone to take over our Dec rent..hint hint mino n sets! if not, s'okay.. we still don't have to pay anything.. i hope?! hahaha..
